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About Elbow Creek

Description of School

Elbow Creek Elementary School served approximately 525 students in grades TK-6 in 2017-18. Our teachers and staff are dedicated to ensuring the academic success of every student and providing a safe and productive learning experience. The school holds high expectations for the academic and social development of all students. Curriculum planning, staff development, and assessment activities are focused on assisting students in mastering the state academic content standards, as well as increasing the overall student achievement of all subgroups.

School Mission Statement

Elbow Creek School is dedicated to the preservation of its rural history, while preparing its students for life in the future. Staff, parents, and students share the responsibility for achieving academic excellence, developing personal reliability, encouraging respectful citizenship, and fostering the love of learning. Our goal is to provide a safe environment in which children can develop the skills and knowledge that will allow them to be successful problem solvers and valued citizens in tomorrow's society. In partnership, the staff, parents, and community pledge our support, resources, and talents in achieving this goal.

Opportunities for Parental Involvement (School Year 2017-18)

This section provides information about opportunities for parents to become involved with school activities.

Parent involvement and communication are essential to our school success. Elbow Creek Elementary School continually strives to involve parents by sharing information that helps parents understand and support school programs and by providing opportunities for parent participation in school activities.

There are numerous and varied opportunities for parent involvement, including but not limited to, attending school functions, participating in parent-teacher conferences, volunteering in classrooms, and chaperoning field trips. Parents may also serve on advisory committees, including, the English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC),  School Safety Committee, and School Site Council (SSC). Additional opportunities for parental involvement also exist at the district level.

Parents who would like more information on how to become involved may contact Principal Alma Navarro at (559) 730-7766.